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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Spring Cleaning

My spring cleaning has started.  Yesterday Bill took both the boys (our dogs) to his house so I could do some cleaning.  My dog, Oreo, came from the local shelter.  He has anxiety that is through the roof. When it comes to loud noises he is so afraid.  Meaning to vacuum he will actually attack and bite my vacuum.  I have holes in the hoses that have had to be duct taped so I don't lose suction.  Yes, it's true duct tape fixes everything. LOL. Hey! I have a 10 year old Dyson and I'm not about to buy a new one. This one works even better since my son refixed it yesterday.  Anyway, so while the puppy was away Mom got a ton done!  I thoroughly dusted, vacuumed, cleaned carpets, and rearranged in my living room and dining room.  It felt amazing! Though today my body is NOT feeling amazing.  UGH!

So, I figured I'd show you a couple pictures of what I'm up to.

Of course a rabbit that I painted had to be included.

Yes, I take pictures of my dog's blanket.  :-)  My house is lived in so I keep it real. LOL.

This wall is my nemesis.  Up until today all I had was the empty blanket crane.  I just could not decide what to hang on it.  So, down to the basement I went and found the cream and mustard fabric pieces and the locker hooked bunny that I won on a blog giveaway many years ago. I think I want to make a sign to go above the crane.  I have plenty of old barn wood to do it.

HAHA! Don't look at my ugly ceiling fan.  There are only 3 light bulbs in it and no shades.  That is a project I will tackle soon.  As you can see I love brown crocks and jugs and incorporate them everywhere.  You already know I love wood bowls too. :-)  

I will take close ups soon of the shelves and dining room once I get it the way I want.  

Alright, since this is my "diary" I have to write something about what is going on the world so when I look back next year I will remember.  These are only facts of what is happening in Ohio as of today.  All schools have been closed for at least 3 weeks.  All bars and restaurants are closed for dine in but you can still carry out and go through the drive thru.  According to most people grocery store shelves are bare of toilet paper, bread, hand soap, and hand sanitizer.  The governor is also thinking about keeping the schools closed for the rest of the year. No gatherings of 100 or people are allowed.  Where I work we are amping up production to make sure grocery stores have our product for people.  This is very strange because this time of year we are slow.  

If you are reading this I hope you stay healthy and happy.


  1. Isn’t this a crazy world we are living in ??? looks great though !

  2. Cozy home! My Dyson is ten and dying and there’s no service places near me at all. Boo hoo. I paid $800 Canadian for it 😾

  3. All of our schools are shutting up and the panic buying is pretty bad here, too. Some stores/malls are on reduced hours - I kinda question why they even bother opening at all? Like who needs ties our running shoes right at this very moment? It's bizarre! You wouldn't catch me setting foot in a shopping mall right now! But anyway, it's certainly the time for spring cleaning since we're probably not going anywhere soon lol.

  4. Love the photos of your cozy, comfy, home. I've given up on the spring cleaning...the snow headed our way and the flu put a damper on my spring fever. Yes, crazy, sad, times. So frustrating to try to buy things you always buy (milk, 1/2 & 1/2, eggs, bread, lettuce) and find absolutely NONE of those items. Obviously people are buying more than they typically do and that is just selfish. So, now I have to figure out how I am going to manage my coffee in the morning with no 1/2 & 1/2 or milk. Grrrr.... A cranky crow just became a bit more cranky..... Robin


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