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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Finally a Finish and More

Wow! What a difference a week can make.  Ohio is SUPPOSE to be a stay at home order from the governor, but I can tell you it isn't being followed by many.  My honey has been laid off indefinitely so our plans to build or buy a home this spring is on hold now.   Plus, I don't think I would want to put my house on the market and have people coming in and out to see it anyway right now.  

This week I attempted to work on my applique project and ended up ripping out what I did because, well, I used a color that did not blend at all.  I was either tired or blind when I picked it out.  You can see below what I initially picked, which is on the paddle, and the new color that is the skein.

PINK!  Seriously why did I pick pink?!?!?  LOLOL.  I didn't notice until today and ripped out the edge that I had already done.

So, this is the end result with the right color edge.   I may try to figure out how to hang it.

Last night I decided to redo a cabinet that I moved to my dining room.  I moved it there a couple weeks ago when I was rearranging, but never redecorated it.  So, last night was the night.

For now I'm pretty happy with it.  I still need to put a back on my penny mat in the first picture, but after this one it shouldn't be too hard.  

We are staying in this weekend and doing some cooking.  Bill made some banana bread today as well as cooking dinner.  I think I might get used to this. LOL.  He actually is a very good cook.  He has had to cook for himself since he has been a bachelor for the last 27 years.  He never married and never had children.  Lucky for me he has accepted my kid's as his own and does so much for them as well as me.


  1. Yes, we are under a "safer-at-home" order as well...but since people can go for carry-outs, medical appointments, grocery shopping, etc., it really isn't having much of an impact on people. Sorry to hear about your plans being on hold...I believe there is going to be a great deal of that. My son is laid off...and he just listed his home for sale.... I hope he doesn't take a beating on it. My husband used to be a great cook but for some reason stopped completely...He tried to cook dinner last night...we had scalded tomato soup and blackened grill cheese. !!! And our house still smells lovely...not! Love your "re-decorating".... Stay comfy and cozy. Saturday Smiles ~ Robin

  2. Hopefully later in the year your plans can change, but I agree. would not want anyone in my house right now if I was selling. Thanks for the laugh on the pink, but glad you discovered your mistake. Pineapples look much better in orange. Your cabinet redo is looking mighty fine! Janice

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