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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Spring has Sprung

The only place I go is work and home.  Though last week my daughter needed to go to the grocery store so we went there.  No, she doesn't drive if you'll remember because of her mental disabilities.  Other than that I have been nowhere and it is great! lol.  Most people are going crazy staying home, but not me.  Though by the time the salon opens I will have silver strands in my hair.  I didn't want to go silver yet, but I won't be the only one. My roots are already an inch or more. eek!  

Yesterday was gorgeous around here.  So, I was up and working by 9am.  I just needed to go out into the fresh air and get dirty.  I cleaned up the flower beds, which I'm thoroughly excited about because I planted a bunch of perennials last year.  Most of them are coming up.  I know one specifically didn't make it, but I'll wait and see a little longer.  The good thing is the greenhouses will remain open during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic.  I can still get my fix. 

The daffodils are blooming!!!!

I am moving a couple of decor things around this year.  I need some new looks in the beds.

I see some green peeking out of the mulch.  Woot woot!  It is still too early for fresh mulch yet.  I want my plants to be up a bit higher.

No laughing.  This is the top of a tomato cage I cut off from last year when I made my rope beehive.  The pail is from a citronella candle Bill and I used up.  I think it is calling for a flower after I drill some holes for drainage.

I also did a bunch of rock raking out of the dirt so I can plant grass.  It is time here in Ohio to do that and I have plenty to do after the backyard fiasco last year.  More on the backyard project later.  My body is sore and I even got sunburned yesterday.  But it is a good feeling to get quite a bit done outside.  For me it is never ending working in my beds, but I so enjoy it.  I need to keep my eye on Craigslist for plants because that is where I got some really cheap ones last year.  I also need to split my hostas because my Mom asked for some last year and I never got her any.  I figure I can still go to their house and plant them next weekend for Easter since I will not be going in their house to eat Easter dinner with them.  I am still an essential worker as are my kids and I would not want to expose them to anything if any of us picked it up. 

I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy.  See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Things are just starting to sprout here in Michigan. Good luck finding your plants, Janice


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