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Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Monday

It's the day after Easter and it is cool and very windy here at the Homestead.  We have had some beautiful weather followed by some downright cold weather.  My sinuses are going crazy.  I have been battling a headache since Friday and the right side of my face is a bit swollen.  But I will carry on and keep on crafting even though I'm having a little difficulty seeing to thread my needle due to my headache.

Yesterday I decided to try out my wood burning tool I bought years ago.  It is by Darice and well, if I continue to do it I need a better one.  The tip I used got to hot and bent. I only burnt my finger index finger once. LOL.  I managed to freehand draw and trace "burn" the lines of it then paint it.  I have a bunch of cutting boards I bought because I was going to attach my other projects to them.  Well, you can see I didn't do that, so I painted one up and gave it a try.  

Today I took  a friend's advice on my strawberries and used seed beads on them to give them a different look.  You remember the wool strawberry tutorial  I did a couple weeks ago.  I finally got around to finishing them.  Let me just say I am very OCD and it is hard to put the beads all willy nilly on them.  LOLOL.

Let's put them together...

I also finished up my wool penny runner by putting a backing on it and blanket stitched around it.  It feels good to get some odds and ends of things finished up.  I have a couple quilt tops that MAYBE I will get to.  But with the nice weather I don't like to stay inside.  I'd rather be in my flower beds and spending time on my porch.

  You know even though I am still working I am finding more time to bake at home too during this stay at home order.  I've made pumpkin gingerbread bread using this recipe.  It was very moist and gingerbready.  Probably not a word, but it was so good.

Then I tried a no knead rosemary bread made in my Dutch oven.  Really easy and good.  The outside was a crispy crust while the inside was moist.  Bill and Bailey (my son) loved it too.  Bill even said it was better than the herb bread we buy at a local Amish store. Maybe he was fibbing, but I don't care it makes me feel good. LOL.

Well, that's all I've been into last week.  Hopefully this week I will get really motivated.  Bill was forced back to work on 2nd shift even though he has been working 1st shift for 9 years at this company.  They originally wanted him on 3rd shift but he just can't sleep during the day.  He is to light of a sleeper.  So, tonight was his first night back in 3 weeks. He already called me once and said the time was dragging.  This isn't convenient for us since I work 1st shift, but at least he is back to work and we will do whatever it takes to get through it. 


  1. THe added beads to your strawberries was a good choice. So love your board too! Great job and so glad you did not get burned too bad. Janice

  2. Amazing what all is getting "finished up" these days, LOL...and that can only be a good thing! Oh, now I am really smitten with those strawberries!!! What a perfect finish....not certain I would have the patience for all the beads...but dang they would look adorable hanging from one of my apothecaries in my romper room. Thanks for the tips on the recipes...definitely going to check out that rosemary bread!!! Hope Bill adjusts to the new schedule soon...I never could have been a shift worker....although the night shift did suit me well in my younger days LOL. Stay safe and well ~ Robin


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