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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ham and Egg Burritos

Tonight I had all intentions of making dinner.  I had leftover ham from Easter that needed used up.  I didn't want scalloped potatoes or cheesy potatoes, well, ok I couldn't because I used up all my potatoes when I made mashed potatoes on Tuesday.  I've been looking up recipes of what I could do with it.  I finally decided on ham and egg burritos for the freezer.  I had some brown eggs from a friend to use.  Speaking of eggs, I went to the local grocery store and their eggs ranged from $2.99 to almost $5 a dozen. Holy cow!  I about fainted.  

Anyway, my plan got cancelled because my daughter came home from work upset.  If you'll remember she is mentally disabled.  She is a high functioning autistic, has OCD, anxiety, and a non-verbal learning disability and works as a cashier at a local farm store Rural King.  This whole virus thing has her on edge especially at work.  She doesn't understand why people are coming into the store for non-essential items.  She says the lines never let up and now the company has decided NOT to limit the amount of people in the store at once.  They are already short on cashiers, but 2 have self quarantined themselves and made them even shorter.   Needless to say she is a mess and was crying when she came in the door.  She said she needed a cheeseburger so off we went to the Wendy's drive thru for a cheeseburger.

Our little excursion still didn't help the fact I needed to use that stuff up. So, I came home and looked up a few recipes and concocted my own  filling.  I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I've been having the urge to cook and bake.  NO I'm not nesting. If I am some doctor is going to get sued. LOL.

What I used:
10 eggs
2 TBSP of sour cream
1/4 cup onion
2 cups of ham
salt and pepper
Shredded cheddar cheese
8 8"burrito wraps

I would use less because I had extra filling. I mixed up everything in a bowl then poured it into by cast iron skillet that I had melted butter in.  I cooked it up just until the eggs were set, but not over cooked.  I put them on a plate to cool a little.  Then I took a wrap put a tablespoon of sour cream on it then put the filling in the middle with a little cheese on top.  Then I rolled up the burrito.  One of the recipes I found said to wrap them in parchment paper then put them in a freezer bag and freeze them.  They said they will last 1 month.

That being said I bought my first roll of parchment paper. EVER... awhile back and opened it for this occasion. LOL.   I also bought a container of yeast at the bulk food store for more bread baking. Nothing like a fresh loaf of bread. Mmmmm.

BTW I posted this recipe in case I want to make them again. :-) 

I will leave you with this photo.  If there are mistakes blame it on Oreo.  He is too big to be a lap dog, but he insisted on sitting on my lap while I typed.  He is a little mad that I'm not playing ball and paying attention to him this evening. 


  1. Ha ha....just gotta love those "over-sized" lap dogs. The burritos sound and look yummy. I made homemade rolls for Easter and had lots of leftovers as my son didn't come as I expected, so I have been having ham on rolls. I still have some ham though and plan on popping it in the freezer tomorrow. Just curious....I assume the sour cream and cheese is in the recipe is put on the burrito and not cooked with the filling, right? You just mean you cook the eggs, ham, onions, salt and pepper together? Sorry to hear about your daughter's stress. I think this whole situation is getting to many of us. ~Robin~

    1. Robin, I actually put some sour cream in with the eggs while I was cooking them. Then I also smeared some on the wrap then put the filling and finished it with cheese.

  2. Too cute with Oreo on your lap/ Great recipe to! Janice

  3. Love this blog. Thank you for sharing your life.


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