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Saturday, April 18, 2020

New Project

Last week I started to get a little overwhelmed and anxious so I headed to my studio aka my basement.  I don't have a fancy schmancy studio.  I have a space in my basement just for me and my crafting stuff.  According to Bill I have lots of it.  Is there really such a thing? I think not!  I LOVE to do too many different kinds of crafts so I have stuff. LOL.  OK, back to what I was saying.  I went to my studio and decided to clean up my space.  Believe it or not that is therapeutic for me.  As I was down there I was trying to decide what to work on next.  I have been having a really hard time getting into crafting.  Just not feeling it.  I normally do a lot more painting of sheep and bunnies, but I had no desire.

I was hoping by cleaning up I would be inspired and I was.  I looked in my tub of wool and saw my frame.  Yep. It is wool hooking time.  Am I good at it? No! Do I enjoy it? Yes! LOL. I pulled out some foundation linen that was really cut weird from other projects and decided to square it up.  I now have 2 ok sizes of things I could make with it.

I like the look of shapes and geometric things.  So I decided I would make a small runner with odds and ends of wool I have.  I even hand cut some black for my border.  I have really been thinking hard about getting a wool cutter, but I'm not sure I would use it that much.  So, for now my rotary cutter, ruler, and cutting mat with work.

I took and dumped some of my wool in a bag to pull from.  Um, yeah I will need a lot more because I don't want to keep using the same colors.  BTW, this is really hard to be spontaneous with color  when you are OCD a bit. I still find myself planning the colors.

This is as far as I have gotten since last night.  I am pretty slow at hooking.  But that's ok.  It doesn't have to be done right away.  What's funny is I always seem to start a wool project when I am about to start 2nd shift at work.  Starting Monday I will be working 2nd shift for a week to cover for a lady on vacation.  It isn't you normal because the hours stink.  I will go in at 4pm and work until it's done.  Recently it has been between 2am and 3am because I work in food production.  We are having a hard time keeping up with the demand.  Yes that's good in some ways, but bad in others.

I think it's time to go cut some more wool.  You'd think I'd learn to make an arm guard for my frame, but no.  I prefer the cut up arm look.  

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you soon.

P.S. If you read my last post my daughter has decided to "self quarantine" for the next week.  The anxiety of wearing a mask and being overwhelmed at work took it's tole on her.  She claims she will be cleaning her room and cooking twice this week.  I'll keep you updated if this really happens or not. LOL.


  1. Happy Weekend to you Mary.... (It IS the weekend, isn't it??). I beg to looks like you are quite good at hooking! So nice and even! And, yes...I find the "random worm-pulling" thing a bit stressful my self. It looks to me like you are doing a great job manually cutting your wool. Those cutters are so very expensive...and it seems to me I never have the blade size I want even though I almost always hook in an 8 cut. I just splurged and purchased a 9.5 blade...eeek! $198! Kwazy I tell ya! Take care...and thanks for being on the front line for the rest of us. ~Robin~

  2. Your hit and miss rug is off to a good start. I found my frame and hook today, but still had no desire to start anything. Just too overworked for me right now. Look forward to finding out if your daughter makes breakfast, lunch or dinner. Janice

  3. I like your rug start very much!


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