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Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Halloween to Me

I swore to myself I would get an earlier start on my fall/Halloween items this year.  That way I can get an earlier start on my Santa's and snowmen too.  I know I know... most crafters are a season ahead.  I just haven't been able to do that.  I like crafting fall items in fall and Christmas at Christmas.  To be honest my crafting is normally for fun not profit since I have a full time job.  I won't say I don't sell things, but I just don't go overboard and stress myself out.  

Back to what I was saying about getting an early start.  Today I received my first shipment of Halloween goodies.  I normally don't decorate with Halloween unless I make stuff that doesn't sell or doesn't sell right away.  Secretly though I love the vintage looking Halloween stuff.  You know the old blow mold figures and paper mache JOL's are my favorite. That being said I LOVE to paint them too.  But I also like my plain old pumpkins for fall too.  I will have some of those on the way in a few weeks.  I have to space out my spending. LOL.  I'm going a little hog wild for Halloween stuff. By visiting tonight you will get a sneak peek at what I will be working on.  BTW, I'm so excited to work on these that I took a couple vacation days Mid-May to paint.  :-)

I came home from work to find my box. Ready set cut the tape!

A box full of paper... LOL

So here are some of my new items...

This guy didn't last long last year.

This one says TRICK on one side and TREAT on the other.

This is one I haven't done before.  If you look close there are small witches around the base.

I thought this one was kinda cute with the scarecrow.  I haven't done one like this either.

I love this witch.  My son says I have to add a mole to her when I paint her.

A witch and cauldron.  Also new this year.

Of course JOL's.  I will have 3 different sizes this year.  I will also have plain pumpkins like this that I may make into pails.

Can you see why I'm so excited?!?!?!

Update from last week... My daughter made dinner once for herself and brother 1 time since I was working 2nd shift.  She claims she cleaned up her room, but I don't see much of a difference.  She has OCD, but not the neat and clean OCD.  She is like those people you see on the TV show "Hoarders: Buried Alive"  She gets overwhelmed and doesn't know where to start so she doesn't do anything.  I can't help her because I just want to throw stuff away, but it has special meaning to her and she has to look at it and touch it. Although since working her OCD has gotten better.  I know that's hard to believe, but it was bad bad.  She is on medication and sees her doctor regularly to keep it under control.  

Hopefully now that I'm back on 1st shift I can post a little more.  I did just finish a project and need to start a couple for some customers.  So, I will keep you updated.


  1. Squeal!!! I love, love, love Halloween!!! And the vintage/old stuff that is so hard to find and so expensive when you you do. I didn't realize you purchased the forms ... I though you had molds and made them yourself. Are they mache or a stone compound material? Can't wait to see your end products...I spy several "favorites". Well, your daughter making 2 meals is better than none I guess LOL... ~Robin~

    1. I have a friend who makes the forms for me. I do not have the time or forms to do that. She has tons of vintage forms and always does a great job. She hand packs paper pulp into forms to make them.

  2. These are so adorable. Would love to make these myself. Cannot wait to see your completed. Janice

  3. Pumpkin head guy is adorable! I would love to paint something. All my paints are gone now, it became too much from scratch but having a ready made form would be wild! I wish my brother would take a pill.

    1. I don't have the time to make them myself. My friend does all the paper mache forms for me.


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