Seems as though I can't post but every few days I have decided to post my New Year's resolutions today. I work the next two days so I won't be back until New Year's Day and then it will be too late.
As I look back at this year and reflect on my life many things have changed. Not only the obvious divorce, my health, my kids growing up, but my view on certain things. Some things for the better but some not so good.
I have become cheap alright politically correct term FRUGAL because of my situation of being a single parent. I shop at the thrift store. I rarely go to the primitive shops I use to because I make the things I want rather than buy them. I save up for the things I want then if they are still there I buy them or if I can barter. However, I have found I am not making things as often for myself or for others like I use to. I miss that, but obviously I don't have the time I use to. When I used to wholesale I loved to hear that my items were selling and they wanted more. That my friends was an awesome feeling.
I also found I am working A LOT. Mostly out of necessity, but I did turn down a 24 hour shift today. I want to be home with my kids more. I want to do the things I want to do or be with the friends and family. So I will tighten the belt and budget better so that I don't have to work extra shifts. Once again that FRUGAL thing comes into play.
This one is the hardest for me. This is a very dark secret and I can't believe I am telling you. I am becoming very jealous of some of you. This I DON'T like. I look at your beautiful houses and think to myself the house I gave up to my ex. No I couldn't afford it by myself, but still I had free reign to paint and decorate as I liked. I am now living in a duplex that I can't paint (though I might anyway) with a smaller area to try to decorate. I don't own it which the hardest for me. I hate the fact that I can't buy another house until mine sells and as long as it doesn't go into foreclosure before then. Not that I could afford a big house, but it would be mine even if it was a shack. LOL. Don't get me wrong I LOVE to look at your homes for ideas it is just makes me angry thinking about what I gave up.
As I ramble on there are many other things I would like to change which you will see in my list. This is my top 10 list. There were many others, but I'll start with 10. LOL.
10. Use up some of my fabric stash.
9. After using the fabric stash clean up my basement. OK this will probably not happen since I have a lot of stuff. LOL
8. Only go to the thrift store once a month. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL will probably be broken in January.
7. Try to make more items to sell or giveaway.
6. Save money if that is possible.
5. Go on a vacation. I haven't been on one in 14 years.
4. Learn how to use power tools and not be a big sissy. LOL
3. Decorate my bedroom.... ongoing saga.
2. Steve and I to spend more time by ourselves. It's hard to believe I've known him for a year come New Year's Eve. We went on a date Saturday night to dinner by ourselves to the place we went to on our first date in January. Let's just say I had just worked 14 hours and was tired by the time he came to pick me up. But we still went and had a good meal.
1. Spend more time with my kids before they grow up.
I am hoping to accomplish all of these, but you know it's OK if I don't. The one I really want to work on is being happy with what I have. Decorate and enjoy all of the things I have collected over the years. I still have plenty of time to get a house and start over. It just takes time. As you can tell I am impatient, which is not a good quality. LOL. That's why I have a hard time doing crafts that take a long time. Hence the quilt I am still quilting. LOL.
So here's to you my friends I hope peace, happiness, and plenty for all of you in 2010.
Oh I am thinking of another swap idea. This would involve no money other than postage. I have lots of decorative items that I don't use anymore and would like to trade. I am sure many of you do too. So how does a swap involving decoration trade sound to you? And if you don't have anything to give up then you can make something to trade. I haven't figured out all the rules and stuff yet just getting a feel. Let me know what you think.