Wednesday, January 4, 2023

What IS Helping

 I know it's only the first few days of the year and everyone is gung ho on resolutions.  We start out strong and as time marches on we fizzle out.  So, I am not calling them resolutions.  These are goals I NEED to reach.  It's not a race to see how fast I get there.  In my heart I know this.  However, I'm very impatient!  I don't care what it is in my life I have a hard time waiting. I want it yesterday.

Things I have accomplished since Jan. 1

1. I have walked on my treadmill 3 days in a row.

2. I have cleaned out most of my kitchen cabinets.

3. I cleaned out the bottom of my dry sink.

4. I cleaned out under my basement stairs.  This will all be donated. YAY!!!!

5. I have made 1 trip to the thrift store.  I just need to load my most recent things from today. See above.

6. I am tracking what I eat and cutting back. This is actually a serving of soup. 1 cup... ugh. I'm going to starve before I get my house organized.😂

I think I have made great strides so far.  I only work an hour or so a day on it so I don't get overwhelmed. I think that planning my day, before I go to work is helping immensely.  I now work 2nd shift so I get more done during the day before work then I ever did working 1st shift.  I never felt like doing anything after getting dinner for everyone in the evenings.  Weekends were always spent running around doing errands and I still got nothing done.  

Tomorrow is a new day to make progress. I'm so proud of myself so far.  I am now going with my Dad to doctor appointments so I need to plan accordingly.  

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  1. You go girl! I've never made a resolution maker...but I do set "mini goals" (e.g., cleaning at least one drawer a week or spending one hour a day doing "neglecteds"...i.e., things I put off doing like filing, etc.) Sometimes I get off track if I have a day of appointments, but it does help in small ways. Cheering you on from the sidelines. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

    1. This is exactly what I'm trying to do is set small goals because looking at the larger picture is overwhelming.


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